Amusingly, his name comes from his hair, which he terms as "wild and expressive". His music has been regarded on TV in the season 10 of PBS's "Roadtrip Nation" series, and on places like The Cosmos FM which is a big international radio dedicated to preserve Greek heritage in the US.

The Afro Nick, also known as musician Nick Anastasakis, releases his fresh banger "Get There Before Noon". Born and brought up in a Native Greek influence, specifically on the island of Crete, his earliest influence to music was from the local Romani people playing their guitars for money on the streets. He toured through Crete with his former group to gain maximum potential albeit being an unpopular extradition. After that he settled in LA, releasing music as an independent artist.
The song feels nostalgic, as if it reminds us of something we have felt before, but cannot put into words.

To be precise, a Deja-Vu, if you will, which is exactly how the backstory of this song aligns. Nick was supposed to record for another artist before noon, and he was hungover from the previous night, which provoked the thought of You only live once. Nick's raspy voice, with electrifying guitar playing on the background, the impactful beats and the occasional harmony sets this song apart and pulls it back together, and do not get us started on the synth solo for a hot second that just blows it out of the park.
Catch the drift here, and seize the day: